What to Watch Before Blue Exorcist Season 2

COMPLETE Blue Exorcist Watch Order (OFFICIAL)

Hey there! I just love you people. Quote The Anime is just for you, seriously, everything here is for you so you can enjoy watching anime to the fullest.

Anyway, today I'm here with a new watch order and today's anime is Blue Exorcist . Blue Exorcist is an awesome anime, not to mention its story is pretty unique. I'm making this watch order, so you'll know in what order you should watch it and how many seasons, ova, movies, specials are there.

Let's get into my blog.


Table of Content

How To Watch Blue Exorcist

Blue Exorcist Chronological Order

watch order blue exorcist

  1. Blue Exorcist
  2. Blue Exorcist The Movie
  3. Blue Exorcist: Runaway Kuro OVA
  4. Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga
  5. Blue Exorcist: Snake and Poison OVA
  6. Blue Exorcist: Spy Game OVA

Blue Exorcist Release Order

TV Series

There are two seasons in B lue exorcist, with a total number of 37 episodes . It is directed by Tensai Okamura and produced by A-1 Pictures. Season one aired on

 April 17, 2011 October 2 , 2011 , and season two aired on January 7, 2017 – March 24, 2017.

1. Season 1: Blue Exorcist (2011)

Blue Exorcist Season 1

Blue exorcist season one has a total of 25 awesome episodes containing 10 manga canon episodes, 10 fillers episodes and the other 5 episodes are mixed canon/fillers.

There are two dimensions in the Blue Exorcist World, Assiah, where normal humans live, and Gehenna, the world of demons ruled by Satan himself. Satan wants to conquer Assiah, but there is one problem for Satan, he cannot go to Assiah without a human vessel , so he sends his own son believing he will grow up into a suitable vessel.

The story moves around a boy named Rin Okumura alongside his brother Yukio Okamura both raised by Shiro Fujimoto, who is an Exorcist . One day, Rin learns he and his younger brother are sons of Satan . He also wants to become an Exorcist, just like his foster father, so he can save Assiah and defeat Satan.

If you're wondering about watching the fillers, I will say It's completely fine to watch it so long as you understand that it's filler and nowhere season 2 picks up from (episode 17), so you don't get confused ! I personally enjoyed the filler, so I would recommend NOT skipping it, so long as you understand that it's not canon it's a fun time

2. Season 2: Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga (2017)

Blue Exorcist Season 2

Season 2 has less episodes as compared to the previous season; it has a total of 12 with no filler at all, good thing , right?

Rin was in supervision under Shura Krakauer . It was revealed to everyone that he was the son of Satan when Amaimon Attacked ; he is now in the True Cross, practicing how to manipulate his blue flames.

Someone stole the left eye of the impure king . After that there is another attempt to steal the right one in Kyoto. While, Exwires are trying to find the mystery behind the impure king's eyes and the thief's goal.


Currently, Blue exorcist has only one movie, it was released on December 28, 2012. The movie is produced by Shueisha and directed by Atsushi Takahashi.

1. Blue Exorcist The Movie

Blue Exorcist The Movie

People of the true cross-city celebrate a festival every 11 years because, a long time ago, a Demon appeared on the outskirts of a village . He seemed rather sickly, so a little boy from the village gave him something to eat. When he felt better, he played with the little boy and ended up staying in that village . But because of the demon, villagers forgot that they had work to do and just went on playing with that demon all day. As a result, they lost all of their goods and abandoned their land. Then an exorcist came and defeated and sealed that demon forever and saved the villagers

In the present, Rin, Yukio, and Shiemi are sent on a mission to eliminate the human soul-eating demon on the phantom train.


There is a total of three OVA in Blue Exorcist Runaway Kuro (season 1, April 4, 2011), Snake and poison (season 2 April 4th, 2017), and Spy games (season 2 October 4th, 2017)

1. Blue Exorcist: Runaway Kuro OVA

Blue Exorcist: Runaway Kuro OVA

It is only natural that a story involving vampires will have a crazy main character. When a village is affected by an epidemic and a good character like Megumi dies, it drives Natsuno Yuuki to insanity as he becomes haunted by his death.

He pairs up with Toshio to save their village Sotoba from turning into a village full of vampires. But in a world where good can't be easily distinguished from evil, will they be able to do it or will they succumb to the darkness?

Blue Exorcist: Snake and Poison OVA

Blue Exorcist: Snake and Poison OVA

The story starts before the events of the Kyoto Impure King Arc . It usually moves around Mamushi and Juzo , they are students of the True Cross.

Blue Exorcist: Spy Game OVA

Blue Exorcist: Spy Game OVA

Renzo was new at True cross, and he was tested by Mephisto with three tasks because Mephisto wanted him to be a double agent for him.


Blue Exorcist

Anyway, you are here, so was I helpful ? I mean not me, but my blog , was it helpful? I hope it was, I'd be happy to know if you liked it or not. Let me know in the comments what you think Also let me know which watch order you want next in the commen t. Till our next blog, bye-bye


Source: https://quotetheanime.com/watch-order/blue-exorcist/

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