Study Island Answer Key for 7th Grade Language Arts

Grammar Worksheets

Substantive Types and Capitalization Lesson – This is an animated PowerPoint slideshow to assist teach you or your students how to distinguish noun types, common and proper nouns, and capitalization rules.
Noun Types and Capitalization Lesson PowerPoint

Common and Proper Nouns and Capitalization Worksheet – In this worksheet students determine which items should be capitalized in sentence with all lowercase letters, and then they explain why these items should be capitalized. Likewise, the practise converting mutual nouns to proper nouns.
Mutual and Proper Nouns and Capitalization Worksheet RTF
Common and Proper Nouns and Capitalization Worksheet PDF
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Capitalization Practice Worksheet: Circle the capitalization errors and add end marks to the sentences. Rewrite the following sentences, right capitalization errors and add together end marks.
Capitalization Exercise Worksheet RTF
Capitalization Practice Worksheet PDF
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Contractions Worksheet – Students locate the words to join and so form the appropriate contraction.
Contractions Worksheet RTF
Contractions Worksheet PDF
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Contractions Worksheet ii – Students comb through 20 sentences looking for words that could exist contracted.  Also, students practicing using contractions in complete sentences.
Contractions Worksheet 2 RTF
Contractions Worksheet ii PDF
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Homophone Comic Strip: Create a comic strip where you correctly employ 10 homophones. Underline the homophones.
Homophone Comic Strip RTF
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Homophone Worksheet: Students write downwardly the definitions of commonly dislocated homophones.
Homophone Worksheet RTF
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Make a Homophone Worksheet Project – Your plow! Create a squeamish looking piece of work canvass with ten problems testing homonym noesis. Students should receive a master listing of easy homophones to assist them.
Make a Homophone Worksheet Project RTF
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Subjects and Predicates – Determine whether the sentence is missing a subject or predicate. Fill in the missing subject or predicate. Draw lines separating the subject and the predicate.
Subjects and Predicates RTF
Subjects and Predicates PDF
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Subjects, Predicates, and Objects – Underline the field of study, circle the predicates, and double underline the objects. You may want to download the RTF file and CTRL + F find and replace your name with mine if you intend on using this worksheet.
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects RTF
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects PDF
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Compound Subjects and Predicates – Underline the subjects, circumvolve the predicates, decide whether the judgement has a compound subject, compound predicate or both.
Compound Subjects and Predicates RTF
Compound Subjects and Predicates PDF
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Subjects, Predicates, and Objects with Pirates! – Students read a pirate-themed sentences and identify subjects, predicates, and objects. At the end of the activity, they write their own sentences that meet structural requirements.
Subjects, Objects, and Predicates with Pirates Worksheet | RTF
Subjects, Objects, and Predicates with Pirates Worksheet | PDF
Subjects, Objects, and Predicates with Pirates Worksheet | Preview
Subjects, Objects, and Predicates Worksheet with Pirates | Ereading Worksheet
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Was and Were Worksheet – Students circle whether "was" or "were" should be used in a diversity of sentences then circle why the course they chose was correct.
Was and Were Worksheet RTF
Was and Were Worksheet PDF
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Clauses and Phrases Worksheets – Features the exciting theme of leprechauns. Circle the predicates, underline the subject, double underline the phrases.
Clauses and Phrases Worksheet RTF
Clauses and Phrases Worksheet PDF
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Punctuation Worksheets

Comma Uses Handout – Not actually a worksheet, but a handout that bear witness students 10 uses for commas and besides details some frequent misuses.
Comma Uses Handout RTF
Comma Uses Handout PDF
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Practice with Commas Worksheet – Put commas where they vest. A few of the sentences do non need commas.
Do with Commas Worksheet RTF
Exercise with Commas Worksheet PDF
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The Mystery of Easter Island and Commas Worksheet – Put the commas where they belong while learning interesting facts nigh Easter Island. Includes a cursory review department.
Easter Island and Commas Worksheet RTF
Easter Island and Commas Worksheet PDF
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Practice End Marks one – Students read each sentence and determine whether to put a menstruation, exclamation point, or question mark at the stop. Effort the online version. What a great way to practice cease marks!
Exercise End Marks Worksheet | RTF
Do End Marks Worksheet | PDF
Practice End Marks Worksheet | Preview
Exercise End Marks Worksheet | Ereading Worksheet – Online Test
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Practise with End Marks two – This worksheet features over thirty cease mark bug to assistance your students reach mastery.
Exercise with Finish Marks 2 | RTF
Practice with Finish Marks 2 | PDF
Practice with Cease Marks 2 | Preview
Practice with End Marks 2 | Ereading Worksheet – Online Reading Action
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Commas or Semicolons Worksheet 1: decide whether the clauses demand to exist joined with commas or semicolons. Put the proper punctuation on the bare. Then write original sentences using semicolons.
Semicolons or Commas RTF
Semicolons or Commas PDF
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Commas or Semicolons Worksheet 02 | Ereading Worksheet – Online Test
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Commas or Semicolons Worksheet 02 – Here's some other 20 comma and semicolon problems. Students read each sentence, determine whether a semicolon or a comma would best consummate it, and explain their answers.
Commas or Semicolons Worksheet 02 | RTF
Commas or Semicolons Worksheet 02 | PDF
Commas or Semicolons Worksheet 02 | Preview
Commas or Semicolons Worksheet 02 | Ereading Worksheet – Online Test
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Judgement Combining with Pirates: Combine the sentences to make compound and complex sentences. Remove or add words if necessary. After you have combined the sentences, circumvolve whether you created a compound or circuitous sentence.
Sentence Combining with Pirates RTF
Sentence Combining with Pirates PDF
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The Decease of Hamilton Judgement Combining Activity: read the passage about the Hamilton/Burr duel. Add composure by combining sentences and rewriting the passage. Add coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and employ semicolons and commas.
The Death of Hamilton Judgement Combining Action RTF
The Death of Hamilton Judgement Combining Action PDF
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Sentence Construction Worksheets

Subjects and Predicates – Determine whether the sentence is missing a subject or predicate. Fill up in the missing subject or predicate. Draw lines separating the subject and the predicate.
Subjects and Predicates RTF
Subjects and Predicates PDF
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Subjects, Predicates, and Objects – Underline the subject, circle the predicates, and double underline the objects. You may desire to download the RTF file and CTRL + F detect and supervene upon your name with mine if you lot intend on using this worksheet.
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects RTF
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects PDF
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Compound Subjects and Predicates – Underline the subjects, circumvolve the predicates, determine whether the judgement has a compound subject field, compound predicate or both.
Compound Subjects and Predicates RTF
Compound Subjects and Predicates PDF
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Ninjas! – Independent and Dependent Clauses: Read the paragraph about ninjas. Circle dependent clauses and underline independent clauses.
Ninjas and Clauses RTF
Ninjas and Clauses PDF
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Fragments and Run-On Sentences: Each of the sentences is either a fragment or a run-on. Rewrite the sentences so that they are grammatically right.
Fragments and Run-Ons RTF
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Judgement Structure Booklet – Create an illustrated book that explains sentence structure terms. Define each term, create 5 examples of the term, and illustrate i of the examples.
Judgement Construction Booklet RTF
Sentence Structure Booklet PDF
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Sentence Structure Flash Cards – Create 10 flash cards. Each flash card volition have one of the above vocabulary terms on the front of the card. On the dorsum of the card, you will include the definition of the term and three examples. Students may so use the flash cards to study.
Sentence Structure Flash Cards RTF
Sentence Structure Wink Cards PDF
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Creating Chemical compound Sentences – Write twenty compound sentences. A compound sentence is two or more clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.
Creating Chemical compound Sentences RTF
Creating Chemical compound Sentences PDF
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Creating Complex Sentences – Write x circuitous sentences. A circuitous sentence is two or more clauses joined by a subordinating conjunction.
Creating Complex Sentences RTF
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Clauses and Phrases Worksheets – Features the heady theme of leprechauns. Circle the predicates, underline the subject area, double underline the phrases.
Clauses and Phrases Worksheet RTF
Clauses and Phrases Worksheet PDF
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Parts of Speech Worksheets

Adverbs and Adjectives Worksheet – make up one's mind whether the adverb or describing word form should be used to consummate the sentences, and so place adverbs and adjectives in sentences.
Adverbs and Adjectives Worksheet RTF
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Adverbs and Adjectives Independent Study – Students will read attached information about adverbs and adjectives. Then they should answer a series of questions. Also attached is a worksheet where students identify whether an adverb or describing word should be used.
Adverbs and Adjectives Independent Written report RTF
Adverbs and Adjectives Contained Study PDF
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Adverbs and Adjectives Lesson – A slide show lesson didactics students the differences betwixt adverbs and adjectives. Likewise includes a exercise activity where students identify adverbs and adjectives as used in sentences.
Adverbs and Adjectives Lesson PPT

Interjections Worksheet: Add the appropriate interjection to each sentence.

Interjections Worksheet RTF
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Plural or Possessive Noun Worksheet: Determine whether the substantive is plural or possessive. Circle the correct substantive class and explain why it is the correct form.
Plural or Possessive Noun Worksheet RTF
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Proper Nouns, Common Nouns, and Pronouns with Ninjas! – Read exciting sentences about ninjas and underline the common nouns, double underline the proper nouns, and circumvolve the pronouns.
Proper Nouns, Common Nouns, and Pronouns RTF
Proper Nouns, Common Nouns, and Pronouns PDF
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Types of Nouns Worksheet: Decide whether each substantive is singular or plural, mutual or proper, and concrete or abstract.
Types of Nouns RTF
Types of Nouns PDF
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Parts of Speech Paper – Create a newspaper with viii articles featuring stories near the parts of speech. The eight stories should explain what each lexical category does and provide examples. Paper should also have pictures.
Parts of Spoken communication Newspaper RTF
Parts of Speech Newspaper PDF
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Parts of Oral communication and Sentence Type Test: 5 questions on sentence types and 32 questions on parts of speech.
Parts of Speech Test RTF
Parts of Speech Exam PDF
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Prepositions Worksheet – read each sentence, identify at to the lowest degree two prepositions in each sentence and underline them. The sentences tell a spy story.
Prepositions Worksheet RTF
Prepositions Worksheet PDF
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Prepositions Lesson – a slide prove lesson explaining prepositions, providing a list of common prepositions, and a do activity where students identify prepositions in sentences.
Prepositions Lesson PPT

Pronouns and Antecedents – read dinosaur themed sentences, locate the pronouns, and the antecedents to which they refer.
Pronouns and Antecedents RTF
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Pronouns and Perspective – Underline all of the pronouns in the passage. Identify the perspective of the passage: get-go, second, or tertiary-person.
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Pronoun Case and Perspective – Determine whether the pronoun is in objective or subjective case. Besides identify whether information technology is a commencement, second, or third-person pronoun.
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Pronoun Instance and Perspective Quiz – Identify pronoun example and perspective by matching the letters to the terms. Too contains a section where students make up one's mind whether words are plural or possessive.
Pronoun Case and Perspective Quiz RTF
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Pronouns and Perspective Quiz – Bubble exam quizzing students on their agreement of pronouns case and perspective.
Pronouns and Perspective Quiz RTF
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Pronouns Lesson – Slide bear witness lesson didactics students nearly pronouns and antecedents. Includes a practice assessment where students place pronouns and antecedents.
Pronouns Lesson PPT

Verbs, Verb Phrases, and Gerunds – Underline verbs and verb phrases and circumvolve gerunds. The sentences are all about a scientist edifice a giant robot.
Verbs, Verb Phrases, and Gerunds RTF
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Verb Tense Analysis… with Pirates: Decide the verb tenses of the pirate themed sentences, and and so explain how you knew.
Verb Tense Analysis… with Pirates RTF
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Verbs and Verb Phrases with Pirates – Read the heady sentences about pirates. Underline the verbs and verb phrases, also circle the nouns and pronouns.
Verbs and Verb Phrases with Pirates RTF
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Verbs and Gerunds Lesson – An animated slide show lesson teaching about verbs, verb phrases, and gerunds. Includes a 7 question practise activity after the lesson.
Verbs and Gerunds Lesson PPT
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Nouns Types Lesson – A PowerPoint slide show lesson explaining the departure betwixt substantive types: mutual, proper, singular, plural, possessive, concrete, and abstruse. Too includes 10 practice problems after the lesson.
Noun Types Lesson PowerPoint
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Noun Types Worksheet: Students identify whether each noun is common or proper; singular, plural, or possessive; and concrete or abstruse. Students write the appropriate answers on lines. Double-sided worksheet with over 32 issues.
Noun Types Worksheet RTF
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Verb Tense Worksheets

Saving Fluffy The Bunny (Hereafter Progressive Tense Worksheets) – The science teacher is planning on dissecting Fluffy the Bunny in scientific discipline class tomorrow. You must find a fashion to salve Fluffy. Write at least twenty sentences in future progressive tense in which you talk over how y'all volition save Fluffy.
Saving Fluffy The Bunny RTF
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Verb Tense Analysis… with Pirates: Determine the verb tenses of the pirate themed sentences, and so explain how you lot knew.
Verb Tense Analysis… with Pirates RTF
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Verbs and Verb Phrases with Pirates – Read the exciting sentences about pirates. Underline the verbs and verb phrases. Circumvolve the nouns and pronouns.
Verbs and Verb Phrases with Pirates RTF
Verbs and Verb Phrases with Pirates PDF
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Practise with Past Perfect – use a diverseness of by participles in complete sentences using by perfect tense.
Practice with Past Perfect RFT
Practice with By Perfect PDF
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More Do with Past Perfect – combine two events into ane judgement using by perfect tense (using "had" or "has" in one of the verb phrases). Add subordinating conjunctions or rearrange the guild of the events, but don't change the pregnant.
Past Perfect Worksheet RTF
By Perfect Worksheet PDF
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News Radio Activeness: determine whether the judgement is unproblematic nowadays or present progressive. If it is present progressive, underline the progressive verb phrase.
News Radio Activity RTF
News Radio Activity PDF
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Predicting the Futurity: Write at least 20 sentences, using only future tense, to express your plans and predictions for you future.
Predicting the Future RTF
Predicting the Futurity PDF
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Linguistic communication Arts Video Game

Super Grammar Ninja – If you've got a keyboard in front of y'all, check out this free web-based language arts review video game. In Super Grammar Ninja, students fight through five worlds, collecting power-ups and performing special attacks, while reviewing parts of speech and sentence structure. As far as I know, at that place is zero quite like this on the internet. Try it out with your students the next time that you have lab admission.
Super Grammer Ninja

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